Returning to real life


Whew. I just finished a several month run that was very busy at work. Normally, I manage one set of features, but due to some turnover in our group, I managed three, then two, and finally back to one project. Let me say that managing one project is a relief. I am busy, but it is easier to find my sanity!

I have thought of my blog every day- not sure how I found the brain cycles for that- and I have many posts stored up. I’ll never post them all, and that is probably a good thing for the rest of the world. I wouldn’t want to bring down the overall lofty level of credibility blogging has attained.

I’m coming back to get some things off my chest. First up: Cats.

I am not fond of cats. This morning at 5:58am I was eating breakfast and watching a cat stealth around the woods in my backyard. It’s impressive. This black cat was jonesing for some small rodent. I have to admit I wouldn’t mind if this cat ate the moles that are digging up the yard, but you see, that’s where cats and I part ways: cats do whatever the freakin’ heck they want to do. They obey no one. Sure, they have their owners deluded into thinking they are in charge. The cats are in charge. Cats look out for themselves.

I am very fond of dogs (unless they are a neighbor’s dog that continually barks at nothing). If you are hiking in the Cascade mountains with your black lab and a grizzly pops out of the huckleberry bushes, the dog will stand between you and the 9ft. death machine. Your cat? Your cat would send a telepathic message to the bear: "Dude, we both have four legs and fur. Do me a favor and please take the loser that’s been feeding me from a smelly plastic dish for the last five years."

Sure, cats purr. They cuddle. And, they bury their little nuggets in your kid’s sandbox. But, at the end of the day, cats are like spies, secret agents, or back-stabbing co-workers that talk you up when you are around, but as soon as you turn your back, they are spitting in the yogurt you just put in the communal fridge. Dogs are more like the faithful boyscout or the loyal marine. They do their duty. They do heroic things- admittedly sometimes those heroic things take more than one scoop to get out of the grass.

Rock On

About John R. Durant

Drawing on years fostering innovation in the high-tech industry, most notably at Microsoft, John is a principal researcher at Savvysherpa building new businesses.
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2 Responses to Returning to real life

  1. Carolyn says:

    Just for the record, we are getting neither cat nor dog . . . nor bird nor fish nor hamster, regardless of the minimal comittment they require!  Pets are for other people, not this mother of many.  And I think that the whole household agrees that this is best for everyone.

  2. Scott says:

    Ah, but one must never forget the affection paid one "Jinxie" by Robert DeNiro in "Meet the Parents". How could anyone hate a cat after seeing the vase scene?

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