Scripture 23 March 2007: Soft Hearts

We know that the Savior is a man of supreme power. He carried the entire weight of human suffering and death on His shoulders…alone. Is He "tough"? You bet. The toughest of the tough. He is the only true Super Hero.

Yet, He is also a man of infinite kindness, gentleness, and compassion. One could say that He is tender- not inspite of the things He suffered, but, at least in part, because of the things He suffered.

The Savior has a soft heart.

Our risk is to develop hard hearts. When our hearts harden, they become rigid, inflexible, difficult to move, and we are not open to feelings of love and goodness. It is from these that real strength and power can come.

The ancient prophet, Alma, conveyed these words from the Lord (Alma 12:34):

34 Therefore, whosever repenteth, and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest.

There is no honor in being stubborn. Being stoic is fine as long as we are nonetheless seeking to receive the Grace of God and striving to be like the Master. We must keep our hearts soft and avoid cynicism, sarcasm, anger, and the cold distance that is increasingly in fashion. This is not to say that we become bawling, melodramatic fools. Rather, let us conduct ourselves with quiet dignity as we humbly serve the Lord and steadily improve in serving humanity.

About John R. Durant

Drawing on years fostering innovation in the high-tech industry, most notably at Microsoft, John is a principal researcher at Savvysherpa building new businesses.
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1 Response to Scripture 23 March 2007: Soft Hearts

  1. James says:

    Fuck this Bible shit and Jesus crap.  How can you admire that asshole Dollard and post that crap on his website. Sick mutherfuckers.

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